Hate. It’s one of those things that we all deal with (some better than others).
For example, I’ve gotten my fair share of hate over the years.
“Steve, please stop existing.“
Seriously, I’m not making this shit up. Somebody basically told me to die. But hey, at least they were polite about it.
Here are a few other gems:
“Not even his Reflection likes him.“
“I bet this dude still gets his mother to do his laundry.“
“This is a toxic individual giving you advice on how to be toxic. This is a narcissist and possibly a sociopath. This type of person does not feel the same emotions as mentally healthy individuals. Don’t take advice from Steve unless you want to end up as miserable as him.“
The “Not even his reflection likes him” comment was funny. I giggled when I read that the first time. But still, it’s hate.
And if there’s one thing I’ve learned being a micro-micro-micro-celebrity in the personal finance world, you’re going to get hate when you don’t fall right in line with everybody else.
And this is especially true if you’re outspoken about resisting the status quo.
Are you ready for the hate?
Why most hate is stupid
It’s true, most hate is dumb.
For instance, take this lovely piece of hate I mentioned earlier:
“This is a toxic individual giving you advice on how to be toxic. This is a narcissist and possibly a sociopath. This type of person does not feel the same emotions as mentally healthy individuals. Don’t take advice from Steve unless you want to end up as miserable as him.“
Based on a single post I wrote, this person assumed I am:
- A narcissist
- Mentally unstable
- Possibly a sociopath
- And, lead a miserable life
All from a single post they took 2 seconds to read, then immediately drew detailed inferences based on literally no corroborating evidence.
As I said, most hate is stupid. And a lot of it stems from serious underlying problems from the person giving it.
Like inferiority complexes. Or jealousy. Resentment. Or just being a dick.
And that’s why you must ignore it. Every bit of it.
👉 Constructive criticisms are fine. In fact, they are good. From a trusted friend, criticisms are how we get better. How we improve.
But hate? Yeah, hate doesn’t do anything.
Take a look at a few more nuggets of stupidity you might run into:
- “You’re retiring early? Damn, dude, you’re going to be so bored. Did you know that early retirees tend to die before the rest of us?”
- “You’re going for that big promotion? Kiss your free time goodbye. There’s no way I would want that job.”
- “You’re not having kids? Geez, that’s selfish. And you’re going to regret not having kids when you get older. I love my kids!”
Opinions are like yesterdays…everybody’s got one.
And it’s your job, as a future millionaire, to ignore the hate and keep pushing through. Find your group of supportive friends. You know, those friends who support, encourage, and stand by you. Friends you can’t wait to spend time with again. Find those life-long friends (lifers) and stick by them.
In fact, we did that last month with some good friends of ours up in the great state of Montana.
Ditch the hate. Make wonderful friends. Stay focused.
Thank me later, future millionaire.
Until next week,
– Steve